Shipping/Membership/Cancellation/Return/Refund Policies

Shipping Policy: Once order received, deliverable product(s) will be shipped within 3 days and will be delivered within 7 to 10 days.

Membership Policy: The duration of membership or a health plan depends upon the plan selected by the member/patient.

Cancellation Policy: If you’ve subscribed for a health plan or a membership plan, you can request for a cancellation anytime after 3 months and before 1 year by calling us. The refund will be processed after deduction of fees according to days spent. Any taxes paid will not be refunded in this case.

If you’ve ordered a physical product, you can request a cancellation by calling us before the product has been shipped.

If you’ve ordered a digital product, you can request a cancellation only before having access to the digital product(s).

Return Policy: Only physical products can be returned within 7 days of the receipt of the products. Medicines can’t be returned once the package has been opened.

Refund Policy: Once cancelled or order returned as per above conditions, refund will be processed in the original mode of payment, which will be credited within 7 to 10 working days.

Please also see oue Terms of Use

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