Like vs Need! Business vs Treatment!
Doing what people like is business. Doing what people need is treatment. People don’t need, what they like. People don’t like, what they need.
Blog posts in english.
Doing what people like is business. Doing what people need is treatment. People don’t need, what they like. People don’t like, what they need.
Some people say that homeopathic medicines can be given along with any other kind of medicine! I don’t agree with that at all.
What looks does not happen and what happens does not look. Let’s see Problem vs opportunity. Often what is an opportunity, people understand it as a problem. Because opportunity always comes in disguise. That’s why it appears as a problem. Let us try to understand this in detail in the present situation. Nowadays every person…
Often people ask which medicine is there for such and such disease in homeopathy. Or they ask whether the treatment of such disease is in homeopathy or not? It should be understood that what is often called a disease is only a symptom or symptoms related to a single organ, whereas the cause of the…
Homeopathy is for “Model Cure“. It is needed to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it it is termed. Treatment that restores the patient to a natural state of health. That is the state in which the patient does not need any medicine at all. He does not even remember the disease. It…
The nature’s law of cure is, “a similar and stronger disease eliminate a similar and weaker disease. “Similia Similibus Curantur”, which means similar cures similar or like cures like.
Homeopathy has vast scopes of learning, discussion, research and confusion also. The fact is that, most of the practitioners of Homeopathy don’t understand it themselves and hence propagate myths instead of facts towards the mass people